Almost Like Being Santa…

So, yes, we are back. Back in Australia that is. And it is all a little bit strange to get used to. But more on that later – we still have a few more PNG stories to tell…
In the week before we left we were very busy. One of the things that Jane had been working on during the year was a book drive to collect books for the schools around Milne Bay. While this project had its ups and downs (apologies to those who collected books, but never sent them/had them collected – there were obstacles with everything from storage to transport to communications!), there were a few successful parts. A couple of bigger charities were able to send more than a tonne of books up from Australia to Milne Bay, and we sorted them and started to distribute them last week.
Books are so difficult to get in PNG, and many of the school libraries are pitifully bare and out-of-date. It was great to be able to get books to some of the local high schools,

primary schools and elementary schools,

as well as the local library.

We are sure they will be used well, just as they are appreciated. Hopefully book drives will continue into the future to get more books to more of the schools in Milne Bay.
Will the Blogster continue now that you are back in Australia???
Perhaps we are in for more literary treats and anecdotal commentary of your lives in Australia, and of course Farnham House.
One can only hope...
Great photos!....Gee wonder who took them? Am just relieved we didn't have to stand amongst the bougainvilleas!!
Jane- Nick delivered books to the four schools towards Eastcape before he flew down south, they were all so appreciative.According to Don,one school stopped everything and had the whole school come out to Thank Nick and the guys (2 Georges from CI). Will ask Nick for photos when he gets back.
Terence delivered to Naura, & Dago schools and they were also extremely grateful. The Naura school Head master said that was the first time they had any books donated to them.They sent their Thanks. One teacher stopped me at the shops yesterday to say Thank You and also to request for more text bks (primary).
I will deliver the remaining cartons next week to- Alotau schools,incl.Hagita,Holy Name & Sawasawaga.
I'll also send a Thank You letter to Peter at South Pacific Aid Inc.
I will certainly make an effort to continue the Book Drive. I'll be in touch.
thank you
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