On Book Week
Well, we’ve been a little remiss in our writing duties, but things are getting quite busy. Jane is helping to organise a school camp for 55 Grade 5 children happening next week, as well as the usual drama stuff. Cam is busy with work stuff to be written about in a future post…Oh, and there’s also Book Week.

As some of you may know a large (OK well largish) part of the approximately 200kgs of luggag that Cam & I brought over when we arrived was books that we donated to the local library. The Photo is of Cam's boss Noel handing these over on our behalf. The thing is that the 30kg of books we brought is just drop in the ocean... enter book week...
Book Week was a simple plan cooked up between Jane and her counterpart Maxine. It’s a great idea which involves making contact with Australian people and companies that are willing to donate books. Well, it is a great idea, and many others seem to think so as well. To everyone’s surprise publishing companies, book stores and schools are replying and many of the replies are positive. Which is just as well really. There are over 300 schools in the Milne Bay Province alone – many of which are in remote locations. So there really are a lot of places that could do with a few books.
So, it’s a great project, and one which takes up a lot of time – so apologies for any lack of communication! But on the up side – you can help too if you so desire. We are looking for new or second hand book donations. Does cleaning out your old book shelf sound like something you’d be interested in doing? If so, please let Jane know and she will get back to you with details of where the books can be sent (address is still to be confirmed) – or you can send them straight to PNG, but that’s probably not the least expensive option. Also, if anyone happens to be hiding a shipping connection up their sleeve, now would be a good time to let us know.
Anyway, Book Week is happening on the 7th of August, and the launch is going to be in Milne Bay (the first time outside of Port Moresby). Jane has even been asked to be a debating judge for one of the Book Week events! Any book donations are officially ‘for Book Week’, but we are hoping to get regular donations happening for the future.
It’s definitely nice to be ‘doing something’.

As some of you may know a large (OK well largish) part of the approximately 200kgs of luggag that Cam & I brought over when we arrived was books that we donated to the local library. The Photo is of Cam's boss Noel handing these over on our behalf. The thing is that the 30kg of books we brought is just drop in the ocean... enter book week...
Book Week was a simple plan cooked up between Jane and her counterpart Maxine. It’s a great idea which involves making contact with Australian people and companies that are willing to donate books. Well, it is a great idea, and many others seem to think so as well. To everyone’s surprise publishing companies, book stores and schools are replying and many of the replies are positive. Which is just as well really. There are over 300 schools in the Milne Bay Province alone – many of which are in remote locations. So there really are a lot of places that could do with a few books.
So, it’s a great project, and one which takes up a lot of time – so apologies for any lack of communication! But on the up side – you can help too if you so desire. We are looking for new or second hand book donations. Does cleaning out your old book shelf sound like something you’d be interested in doing? If so, please let Jane know and she will get back to you with details of where the books can be sent (address is still to be confirmed) – or you can send them straight to PNG, but that’s probably not the least expensive option. Also, if anyone happens to be hiding a shipping connection up their sleeve, now would be a good time to let us know.
Anyway, Book Week is happening on the 7th of August, and the launch is going to be in Milne Bay (the first time outside of Port Moresby). Jane has even been asked to be a debating judge for one of the Book Week events! Any book donations are officially ‘for Book Week’, but we are hoping to get regular donations happening for the future.
It’s definitely nice to be ‘doing something’.
Did you need us to bring books too?
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