Happy Birthday Mr Darwin...

(Apologies and acknowledgement to Rick for being spurred by his inspiration, I also borrowed your graphic, thanks)...
Well folks late as this may be on the day itself I just wanted to wish a certain English gentleman a happy 198th birthday. Charles Darwin remains arguably the most influentual scientist in history. His work on many levels and his commitment to understanding the world we live in has directly or indrectly brought about a clarity of thought and a grasp of our reality that was impossible before his time.
In many parts of the world to day there is still a problem with understanding his "dangerous idea" PLEASE PEOPLE READ SOME DAWKINS! and there is even more sinister a desire from many people to attempt to discredit what is surely the most clearly outlined and well understood "theory" in science.
Various dissembling organizations around the world argue for equal hearing of Intelligent Design (called by some creationism in a tuxedo) along side Darwinian Evolution. With all due deference to policital correctness etc there are some things that are just plain wrong, to muddy such a clear pool of though with the ID arguments is like suggesting that the world is still flat with the sun revolving around it.
But I digress today is for celebration please look right and take in Rick latest inspirational post (his link is in our sidebar, scroll down through his posts they are awsome) and if you have time go to the Darwin Day website.
The world that we live in today would certianly be a better place were there more rational thinking and reason. To this end please have a look at the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science link (pictured in the sidebar) when you have the chance. Clear and Free thinking is its own reward.
no apologies needed, cam, for helping to celebrate darwin day... though i'm a child of "gould" and you of "dawkins" they both were right in that chucky d. made us all reevaluate our place in the universe...
cheers, mate, and wish i was visiting png as well...
love to jane...
The world is definitely flat.
You are worrying your little heads off about the fact that marine species are dying out because of so called 'global warming', when if you just faced the fact the world is flat and they are just swimming off the edge we would all live in a happier place.
Soon you will be telling us that driving fuel thirsty landcruisers is fine if you tow horses on the occasional weekend.
Come on guys lets address the real issue of hypocrisy...
Anyway... Darwin is only 106 as Australia was Federated in 1901.
Cam darling, I hand you my tiara as you obviously win "rant of the week". Congratulations you nutter, and hepi birthday to CD!
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